Showing 1 - 10 of 21
The aim of this report has been to produce an analysis of the state of the social enterprises in Finland. Based on a comprehensive survey, there are roughly 19 000 social enterprises in Finland that employ around 125 000 persons. These estimates produced in this report multiply the views on the...
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Tutkimus käsittelee riskirahoituksen ja riskirahoittajien merkitystä biotekniikka-alan yritystoiminnalle. Se kiinnittää erityistä huomiota riskirahoittajien tuomaan lisäarvoon yrityksille varsinkin muussa kuin rahallisessa merkityksessä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan sekä riskirahoitusta...
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Suomessa on viime vuosina mietitty keinoja innovaatiopohjaisen kasvuyrittäjyyden edistämiseen ja sen edellyttämän riskipääomamarkkinan toimivuuden kehittämiseen. Useissa tutkimuksissa, selvityksissä ja kannanotoissa on yhtenä ratkaisuna esitetty harkittavaksi verokannustimia...
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The project to build up a banking union in Europe was launched in summer 2012. Thereafter the progress has been fast. Single Supervisory Mechanism will embark on November 1, 2014. A decision on the Single Resolution Mechanism was made in Spring 2014. It should be up and running as of the...
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In order to shed light on the consequences of the ongoing financial crisis, ETLA conducted two surveys at the end of October 2008. The firm survey targeted firms employing at least 10 persons in Finland (2,017 observations with a response rate of 33%) and the consumer survey targeted...
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Keskuspankit ovat perinteisesti laskeneet liikkeeseen seteleitä yleisön käytettäviksi. Digitalisaation myötä setelit alkavat olla teknisesti vanhentunut maksuväline, ja jotkut keskuspankit ovat harkinneet vähittäismaksamiseen soveltuvaa elektronista keskuspankkirahaa. Elektroninen...
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In order to shed light on the consequences of the ongoing financial crisis, ETLA conducted two surveys at the end of October 2008. The firm survey targeted firms employing at least 10 persons in Finland (2,017 observations with a response rate of 33%) and the consumer survey targeted...
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Albanian Abstract: Globalizmi tashmë përbën një realitet të ri. Shpërndarja e pabarabartë e burimeve natyrore bën që të gjitha vendet e botës të jenë gjithmonë e më të ndërvarura ndaj prodhimeve dhe shërbimeve që ofrohen nga vëndet e tjera, të cilat ato vetë nuk i...
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Albanian Abstract: Për shumë prej nesh, blerja e një shtëpie është një nga vendimet më të rëndësishme si dhe ndonjëherë transaksioni më i madh financiar që mund të bëhet në jetë. Të qartësosh pyetjet përpara se të zgjedhësh një kredi do të thotë të bësh krahasimin...
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Tamil Abstract: இஸ்லாத்தை பற்றிய பலவாறான தவறான எண்ணங்கருக்களும் கருத்துக்களும் நிலவிவரும் இக்காலகட்டத்தில்...
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