Showing 1 - 10 of 56
international trade. There is a recent strand in the literature advancing a theory that links the degree of intra-industry trade … with the level of protectionism. In order to test this theory we use cluster analysis as a method of data analysis and the …
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international trade. There is a recent strand in the literature advancing a theory that links the degree of intra-industry trade … with the level of protectionism. In order to test this theory we use cluster analysis as a method of data analysis and the …
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The objective of the project that gives rise to the present book is to analyze the economic incentives, on the social and on the private level, of the different alternatives for trade liberalization. That is to say, information is processed to deeply understand the different negotiation...
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Ein EU-US-Freihandelsabkommen ist seit Jahren überfällig. Anfang Februar 2013 wird die US-EU High Level Group on Growth and Jobs höchstwahrscheinlich die Aufnahme von Verhandlungen empfehlen. Stormy-Annika Mildner, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), und Claudia Schmucker, Deutsche...
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The economic and the military developments that have characterized the Chinese economy in recent decades have caused Beijing to take steps to ensure the provision of strategic resources necessary for the continued economic growth and consolidation of China`s position and prestige in Central Asia...
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Článok analyzuje pripravovanú liberalizačnú dohodu medzi USA a Európskou úniou o zóne voľného obchodu a investíciách (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership – TTIP). Význam USA a EÚ vo svetovej ekonomike je dokumentovaný ich podielom a na tvorbe svetového HDP (46 %) a...
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The wrongly called free trade between the first economic Power in the world and a backword country as Colombia, based on the experience of the Free Trade Agreement (TLC) between Mexico and USA, is shown, in practice, as assuring structural disequilibrium for Colombian economy and society....
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Seit über einem Jahr verhandeln die EU und die USA über das größte Freihandelsabkommen der Geschichte – die beiden Regionen stehen für rund ein Drittel des Welthandels. Von der Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft (TTIP) wird die deutsche Wirtschaft aufgrund ihres...
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