Showing 1 - 10 of 23
Cunoasterea cerintelor si asteptarilor consumatorilor, precum si a perceptiilor legate de serviciul furnizat sunt conditii de baza pentru prestarea unor servicii performante si de calitate. In lucrare se prezinta unele metode de cercetare a comportamentului beneficiarilor de servicii utilizate...
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The work presents a connotative periplus and an evaluation of one of the most dynamic business fields- logistics. Although used for a long time in the military department, logistics has affirmed itself relatively recent in business field, where it brought revolutionary contributions and where it...
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Any decision is eventually the product of a procedure which requires assembling a multitude of primary information, passed through reiterative processes both of organisation and of analysis. The procedures also regard “pushing” these transformed/processed towards preparatory levels only to...
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The study has as its objectives, to determine the influence of price volatility and price expectation in the rate of inflation as a measure of the price level. In addition, the study sought to evaluate ipso facto the extent to which monetary policy has influenced inflation by reducing price...
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The inflation phenomenology offers to the author the occasion to perform a theoretical, i.e. an abstract analyze, that identifies the comprehensive notional typology family of this phenomenology.
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The purpose of the paper is to present an efficient instrument for simulation and research of inflation and its determinants in Romania, with a focus on the short-term impact of changes in money, foreign exchange and wage policies and controlled prices as well as the impact of external shocks as...
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The monetary policy decision, as any other decision, is the product of a procedure assembling a lot of primary information, but also what type of other ingredients contribute finally to a certain monetary policy decision.
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Monetary policy should be guided by macroeconomic models with limited nominal rigidity – ‘New Classical’ or even for some issues just plain Classical (i.e. with no nominal rigidity at all) models are perfectly adequate for understanding various aspects of the economy that have previously...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2015 piețele financiare au resimțit intensificarea divergențelor depolitică monetară în economia mondială. După semnalele lansate în ultimele trimestre FED ademarat în decembrie anul trecut un nou ciclu de politică monetară, prin majorarea ratei dedobândă de...
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Romanian Abstract: Un fenomen cu un impact puternic asupra pieţelor petroliere internaţionale l-aconstituit declinul sever al preţurilor principalelor ţiţeiuri de referinţă din comerţul internaţional(Brent şi WTI), de la 105,7 $/baril, în iunie 2014, la 36 $/baril, în decembrie...
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