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We utilise results from a human-subjects experiment to examine the connection between strategic uncertainty and outcomes in games. Our basic game is a Nash demand game where one player has an outside option available. A "chat" treatment allows bargainers to send cheap-talk messages prior to...
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We report results from an experiment that explores the empirical validity of "correlated equilibrium", an important generalization of Nash equilibrium. Specifically, we examine the conditions under which subjects playing the game of Chicken will condition their behavior on private third-party...
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How does the inflation tax impact on buyers’ and sellers’ behaviour? How strong is its effect on aggregate economic activity? To answer, we develop a model of directed search and monetary exchange with inflation. In the model, sellers post prices, which buyers observe before deciding on cash...
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Numerous studies have looked at the factors that influence the likelihood of successful coordination. Two of the most important factors are the size of the group and whether communication is possible. To our knowledge, there has been no systematic study of the interaction between group size and...
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In a recent paper in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Croson (2000) shows that when subjects' beliefs about the contributions of others are elicited in a voluntary contributions public goods game, those subjects contribute less than do other subjects in the same game when beliefs...
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We use a human-subjects experiment to investigate how bargaining outcomes are affected by changes in bargainers’ disagreement payoffs. Subjects bargain against changing opponents, with randomly drawn asymmetric disagreement outcomes that vary over plays of the game, and with complete...
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Both the United States and Canada have federal legislation that attempts to address employment inequities across specific target groups. The US has a long tradition of affirmative action, dating back to President Kennedy's 1961 Executive Order; Canada enacted its Employment Equity Act in 1986....
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We introduce the contractor game , related to the ultimatum game (UG). The proposer makes an offer , and simultaneously sends a cheap talk message , indicating (possibly falsely) the amount of the offer. The responder observes the message with certainty and the offer with probability p before...
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We investigate the effect of positional goods (goods for which one's consumption relative to others’ matters) on saving, based on results from a life-cycle consumption/saving experiment. In a Group treatment, we allow inter-personal comparisons by assigning subjects to groups and displaying...
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