Showing 1 - 10 of 381
Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier beschäftigt sich mit dem Konstrukt der Kundenzufriedenheit und seine Wirkung auf den …
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Vorliegendes Arbeitspapier erörtert und begründet drei Thesen:1. Marketingplanung und -controlling nutzen das Potential von Kennzahlen und Kennzahlensystemen bisher nicht ausreichend.2. Die vorhandenen betriebswirtschaftlichen Kennzahlensysteme sind nur teilweise geeignet, die...
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theoretischen Überlegungen werden anhand einerumfangreichen Studie aus dem Dienstleistungssektor auf ihre empirische Gültigkeit …
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It has often been argued that word-of-mouth(WOM) can contribute significantly to a firm’s success in avariety of ways. Here, we analyze the functional linkagebetween customer satisfaction, WOM, and new customeracquisition. Using data from two empirical studies weconceptualize and test the...
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Previous research has extensively studied the determinantsof customer loyalty and switching behavior but hasgiven little attention to what happens after a customerhas switched away froma service provider. In this article,the perhaps most important manifestation of suchpostswitching...
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Measuring NPS is relatively straight forward, but using it to drive economic value is not. NPS must lead to a "so what" for the organization. NPAs programs and inititatives must be cost-effective and profitable....
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Increasingly, retailers nowadays have to focus on service marketing strategies and tactics to differentiate themselves from their competitors.Delivering high levels of service quality becomes crucial for long-term success. Since customers' perception of service quality depends very muchon the...
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Fierce competition and rapid technological progress have considerablyreduced the life cycle length for mobile phones in the last decade. Once a newmobile phone is launched, providers on the market under consideration practice amarkdown strategy. Profits of the providers are generated mainly via...
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The value concept is one of marketing theory’s basic elements. Identifying andcreating customer value (CV) - understood as value for customers - is regarded asan essential prerequisite for future company success. Nevertheless, not until quiterecently has CV received much research attention....
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Angesichts steigender inhaltlicher und finanzieller Anforderungen und zunehmenden Wettbewerbs im Gesundheitswesen ist es erforderlich, die Qualität für Empfänger der Dienstleistungen zu sichern und dauerhaft zu verbessern. Der Gesetzgeber hat mit § 135a SGB V "Die Verpflichtung zur...
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