Showing 1 - 10 of 76
Despite lower incomes, the self-employed consistently report higher satisfaction with theirjobs. But are self-employed individuals also happier, more satised with their lives as awhole? High job satisfaction might cause them to neglect other important domains of life,such that the fullling job...
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This paper examines the role of work-life balance practices (WLB) in explaining the “paradoxof the contented female worker”. After establishing that females report higher levels of jobsatisfaction than men in the UK, we test whether firm characteristics such as WLB andgender segregation...
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This paper evaluates the relationship between job satisfaction and measures of health ofworkers using the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Methodologically, it addressestwo important design problems encountered frequently in the literature: (a) cross-sectionalcausality problems and (b)...
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This paper uses matched employer-employee panel data to show that individual jobsatisfaction is higher when other workers in the same establishment are better-paid. Thisruns contrary to a large literature which has found evidence of income comparisons insubjective well-being...
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The present paper examines the relationship between fixed-term employment and jobsatisfaction using individual-level data from the German Socio Economic Panel (GSOEP).According to theoretical expectations, fixed-term employment should be associated with arelative low level of job satisfaction,...
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Die vorliegende Studie untersucht mit repräsentativen Daten für Deutschland die Auswirkungen moderner … Arbeitsorganisation, die durch Autonomie und Aufgabenvielfalt der Arbeitsstelle kennzeichnet ist, auf die Arbeitszufriedenheit. Die … empirische Untersuchung basiert auf dem ökonomischen Ansatz von Clark/Oswald (1996) und interpretiert die Arbeitszufriedenheit …
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This paper analyzes the effect of job satisfaction on labor turnover by gender usingdata from the first two waves of the Swiss Household Panel (1999 and 2000). The resultsreveal that job satisfaction is a very good predictor of future quits, yet the effect differsbetween men and women: all other...
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We analyse how physicians respond to contractual changes and incentives within amultitasking environment. In 1999 the Quebec government (Canada) introduced an optionalmixed compensation system, combining a fixed per diem with a discounted (relative to thetraditional fee-for-service system) fee...
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Die sachliche Thematisierung von sexuellen Anspielungen führen nicht selten zu Abwehrreaktionen des Angesprochenen. Der Betroffene muss sich schlimmstenfalls sogar für seine Interpretation rechtfertigen.
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Diese Arbeit betrachtet sich ergebende Fragestellungen aus Sicht des Stammhauses. Problemstellungen hierbei sind Mitarbeiterrekrutierung, Vorbereitung des Mitarbeiters, Betreuung während des Einsatzes und Wiedereingliederung.
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