Showing 1 - 10 of 602
Garantir ao consumidor final produtos com qualidade, em especial produtos seguros do ponto de vista de saúde humana, é uma questão de sobrevivência e de competitividade dos agentes ligados à cadeia de produção de amendoim e derivados. Sendo assim, esses agentes devem adequar as suas...
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The paper shows that a successful sale of a product is determined not only by the quality but also by the country-specific differences in the field of quality management. Although these criteria are world-wide similar, the priorities are national defined differently. Being an essential component...
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A company's quality performance is necessarily dependent on its internal quality control and improvement efforts, but also subject to reliable delivery of high quality materials and parts from suppliers. This study identifies four key practices in quality-focused supplier relation and...
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More than ever customer satisfaction has become a key factor for all industry and business enterprises. The article explains about the customers satisfaction esspecialy in the textile industry. First part presents the concept of customer satisfaction and its place in current management models...
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Competitiveness is linked to the consumer guarantee of a safe product that satisfies his/her necessities, as well as to the efficiency of the managing and operational practices which aim at reducing costs and losses in the whole chain. This work contributes by analyzing quality management...
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Management control in training institutions is still a missing topic in theoretical and empirical management control research. Therefore the following article presents a framework of management control in training institutions based on the main terms discussed in this context. To illustrate and...
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Der Beitrag behandelt die erst kürzlich in der Zeitschrift Die Betriebswirtschaft durch Haller (2004) aufgeworfene Frage, ob und inwiefern ein funktionierendes Qualitätsmanagement Einfluss auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit von deutschen Unternehmen nimmt. Konkret wird im Rahmen einer empirischen...
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Der deutsch-deutsche Einigungsprozeß erfordert auch eine Integration der DDR in die verschiedene Systeme der EG. Zu den Sektoren mit den am weitesten fortgeschrittenen gemeinsamen Regelungen gehört die Agrarwirtschaft, was einen Anpassungsbedarf von hohem Intensitätsgrad mit der Lösung einer...
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Gegenstand der vorliegenden Studie ist die optimale Regulierung des Betriebs von Netzwerken, die die Charakteristika eines natürlichen Monopols aufweisen. Während bei der Nutzung solcher Netzwerke Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen Anbietern netzbasierter Dienstleistungen errichtet werden kann,...
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This paper investigates the diverging incentives for product quality in a channel with two asymmetric retailers and a common supplier. When retailers differ in terms of service provision and channel power, changes in manufactured quality cause channel conflicts. In particular, our results show...
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