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organization’s management system, to adjust organization’s management structure, to decentralize the management, to introduce more … stebėjimo metodas. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai: suburti organizacijos valdančiąją sistemą, koreguoti … organizacinę valdymo struktūrą, decentralizuoti valdymą, įdiegti efektyvesnę sandėliavimo ir paskirstymo sistemą, nekeisti kainų …
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In master paper TEO LT SC strategic plan’s sketches are investigated. The main aim of this paper is to show how company … the best strategy. The paper consists of three main parts. In the first part the analysis of theoretical strategic control … consumption is made, based on Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature. The variety of strategic control definitions is …
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„Nostrada“ finansinė veikla ir jos rizikos valdymas. Atlikta įmonės veiklos perspektyvų analizė ir prognozavimas, remiantis …The masters paper frames companys the main essence of activity risk control, provides analysis and system of …
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Statybos verslas viena iš didžiausią pridedamąją verte turinčių verslo šakų. 2008 metais kilusi pasaulio ekonominė krizė pasireiškė bendrojo vidaus vartojimo produkto mažėjimu. Krizę sukėlė keletas priežasčių: ilgalaikių pokyčių naftos rinkos kainodaroje bei su ja...
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out how the company manages quality of services. Opinion on the quality of service management has been investigated in a … services, to define service quality and management aspects, to analyze the concept and characteristics of insurance services …, based on the employee's view to identify and evaluate „Lietuvos draudimas“ quality of service management means, based on …
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“Prekybos valdymas 8” programme as the technological innovation on management efficiency in the service company JSC “Evelkas … – įvertinti ,,Prekybos valdymas 8“ programos kaip technologinės inovacijos įdiegimo paslaugų įmonėje UAB ,,Evelkas“ poveikį … tyrimo metodologiją ir atlikti tyrimą "Prekybos valdymas 8" programos įdiegimo efektyvumui nustatyti. Tyrimo metodai …
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In master’s thesis the problems of the management of joint – constructional companies are formulated, different sources … of nonfiction related to the essence of the companies’ management process written by various Lithuanian and foreign … authors as well as to practical dimensions of the application of management theories are analyzed and structured. In the …
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Bakalauro darbo, kurio tema „Santykių su klientais valdymas reklamos agentūroje RIC“, tikslas yra atrasti problemų …The main objective of bachelor thesis called “Customer relationship management in advertising agency RIC” is to find … result of UAB “RIC” not having customer relationship management strategy. The main activity of UAB “RIC” is to deliver …
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The main purpose of this work is to analyze currency risk management opportunities in the industrial company “Snaige … foreign exchange risk management for the companies that are vulnerable to adverse currency rates. Necessary condition of the … situation and the foreign exchange risk management policy of the company. …
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Tyrimo objektas - investicijų projektų rizika ir jos valdymas. Tyrimo dalykas – investicijų projektų rizikos valdymas … language. KEY WORDS: INVESTMENTS, RISK, MANAGEMENT, PROJECTS Research theme – investment project risk and its management … Research subject – investment project risk management in business enterprises. The aim of research – to form a model of …
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