Low cost carriers in Southeast Asia : how does ticket price change the way passengers make their airline selection?
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Truong Dothang ; Pan, Jing Yu ; Thapanat Buaphiban |
Published in: |
Journal of air transport management. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, ISSN 0969-6997, ZDB-ID 1208154-1. - Vol. 86.2020, p. 1-12
Subject: | Airline reputation | Airline safety | Low cost carriers | Service quality | Theory of planned behavior | Ticket price | Fluggesellschaft | Airline | Niedrigpreisstrategie | Low-cost strategy | Preismanagement | Pricing strategy | Dienstleistungsqualität | Passagierluftverkehr | Air passenger transport | Südostasien | Southeast Asia | Luftverkehr | Air transport | Luftverkehrssicherheit | Aviation safety |
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