Showing 21 - 30 of 183
Women still earn less than men on average in Germany. This applies to management positions even more: between 2010 and 2016, there was an average gender pay gap of 30 percent in gross hourly earnings. If gender-specific differences in relevant wage determinants are excluded, a pay gap of 11...
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Der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen der 100 größten Banken in Deutschland stagnierte 2018 bei knapp neun Prozent. In den 60 größten Versicherungen nahm er um gut einen Prozentpunkt auf fast zehn Prozent zu. Während sich damit in den Vorständen die schon in den vergangenen Jahren schwache...
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Die seit 2016 geltende Geschlechterquote für Aufsichtsräte zeigt weiter ihre Wirkung: In den 200 umsatzstärksten Unternehmen in Deutschland ist der Frauenanteil in den Kontrollgremien im vergangenen Jahr um mehr als zwei Prozentpunkte auf knapp 27 Prozent gestiegen, in den 100 größten...
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The proportion of women on executive boards of the 100 largest banks stagnated at almost nine percent in 2018. In the 60 largest insurance companies, the proportion increased by a good percentage point to almost ten percent. While growth on executive boards has been weakening in past years, it...
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The gender quota for supervisory boards is continuing to show its impact: the proportion of women on the supervisory boards of the 200 highest-performing companies in Germany increased by over two percentage points to 27 percent the past year. In the 100 largest companies, it increased by over...
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The paper proceeds from the assumption that the inequalities of opportunity between men and women on the labor market and in society overall tend to consolidate in the management bodies of large companies. The predominance of men on the supervisory boards of Germany's largest private sector...
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The higher the hierarchical level, the fewer women are represented in management positions. Many studies have focused on the influence of human capital and other objective factors on career opportunities to explain this phenomenon. We are now looking at the impact of self-reported personality...
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At the end of 2014, women were no better represented on the top decision-making bodies of enterprises in the financial sector than the previous year. The share of women on the executive boards of the 100 largest banks and savings banks remained at an average of almost seven percent and on the...
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The executive boards of large corporations in Germany continue to be in men's hands: at the close of 2014, a good five percent of executive board members at the top 200 companies in Germany were women. This is equivalent to an increase of one percentage point over 2013, which is evidence of the...
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Die Vorstände großer Unternehmen in Deutschland befinden sich nach wie vor fest in Männerhand: Ende 2014 lag der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen der Top-200-Unternehmen in Deutschland bei gut fünf Prozent. Das entspricht einem Plus von einem Prozentpunkt gegenüber dem Vorjahr und damit...
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