Showing 1 - 10 of 47
We model the decision problems faced by the members of societies whose new members are determined by vote. We adopt a number of simplifying assumptions: the founders and the candidates are fixed; the society operates for a fixed number of periods and holds elections at the beginning of each period;...
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We show that every Bayesian game with purely atomic types has a measurable Bayesian equilibrium when the common knowledge relation is smooth. Conversely, for any common knowledge relation that is not smooth, there exists a type space that yields this common knowledge relation and payoffs such...
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We suppose that players in a cooperative game are located within a graph structure, such as a social network or supply route, that limits coalition formation to coalitions along connected subsets within the graph. This in turn leads to a more general study of coalitional games in which there are...
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The solution concept of a Bayesian equilibrium of a Bayesian game is inherently an interim concept. The corresponding ex ante solution concept has been termed Harsányi equilibrium; examples have appeared in the literature showing that there are Bayesian games with uncountable state spaces that...
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We study dynamic properties of the group action on the simplex that is induced by Bayesian updating. We show that generically the orbits are dense in the simplex, although one must make use of the entire group, hence departing from straightforward Bayesian updating. We demonstrate also the...
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We consider genotypic convergence of populations and show that under fixed fitness asexual and haploid sexual populations attain monomorphic convergence (even with linkage disequilibrium) to basins of attraction with locally exponential convergence rates; the same convergence obtains in single...
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The seminal no betting theorem on the equivalence of common priors and absence of agreeable bets obtains only over compact state spaces. We show here that this equivalence can be generalised to any infinite space if we expand the set of priors to include probability charges as priors. Going...
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We axiomatically characterise two new orders of desirability of gambles (risky assets) that are natural extensions of the proportional stochastic dominance order to complete orders. These orders are represented by indices with parallels to the recently introduced Aumann-Serrano index of...
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In many markets consumers form long-term relationships with firms. In such settings, a firm's existing customers are valuable assets whose "loyalty" must be maintained through continued investment. In this paper we assume that consumer loyalty is strengthened with repeated buying but may erode...
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This paper analyzes a two-stage sealed-bid auction that is frequently employed in privatization, takeover, and merger and acquisition contests. This auction format yields the same expected revenue as the open ascending (English) auction, yet is less susceptible to preemptive bidding and collusion.
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