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I study a model of moral hazard with soft information: the agent alone observes the stochastic outcome of her action; hence the principal faces a problem of ex post adverse selection. With limited instruments the principal cannot solve these two problems independently; the ex post incentive for...
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We study the optimal dynamics of incentives for a manager whose ability to generate cash .ows changes stochastically with time and is his private information. We show that, in general, the power of incentives (or "pay for performance") may either increase or decrease with tenure. However, risk...
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This paper studies the optimal contract offered by a risk-neutral principal to a risk-averse agent when the agent’s hidden ability and action both improve the probability of the project being successful. We show that if the agent is sufficiently prudent and able, the principal induces a higher...
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Finanzintermediäre können eine portfoliotheoretisch motivierte Optimierung ihres Buchkreditportefeuilles nur unter der Bedingung realisieren, dass die Kreditrisiken am Sekundärmarkt handelbar sind. Mit Kreditverkäufen, Kreditverbriefungen und Kreditderivaten haben sich die Möglichkeiten...
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